Beta-pools have been building luxury swimming pools in Balkan region for over 20 years with over a two thousand pool owners enjoying the lifestyle our pools provide.
Through the generations, lifestyles have changed and so has today's swimming pool. To stay on the cutting edge of this changing technology Beta-Pools is constantly developing new design techniques and installation procedures that must pass specific quality control standards. This ensures that each new product or material that a consumer may want will stand the test of time. We build pools, not just for today, but also for tomorrow.
Count on Beta-Pools to deliver more than you ever imagined for your backyard swimming pool. Peace of mind comes from Beta-Pools professionalism, as you will receive dedicated service from an experienced local Beta-Pools team.
Concrete-marble basins, the world's leading product for automatic cleaning, completely eliminated: Purchase, storage and handling of hazardous chemicals. The smell of chlorine and harmful gases. Problems routine maintenance of chlorine. Red eyes, skin irritation and headaches caused by chlorine. Lost time swimming dangerous due to the high concentration of chlorine.
Krystal Klear original chloromatic system allocates a special chemical process chlorine from salt and thus pure water without any external addition of chlorine. It is the unified, patented a process that achieves a natural water purification. Water becomes softer and the annual costs are lower by up to 90%. Chloromatic is fully automatic, easy to operate, and in every BETA pool creates a real experience of the sea! BETA are the only pools that are filled with salt water salinity 0.5% (for comparison salinity of the human eye is 0.9%)
Speck pumps are used for spas, residential and commercial swimming pools, pool/spa combinations, vanishing edge pools, fountains and waterfalls. In addition to our extensive line of pumps, we offer filters, equipment packs and our world renowned water treadmill – the BADU®SwimJet Systems.
Artificial stone is a great way to add a sense of luxury and elegance to the inside or outside of your home or commercial property without the expense and hassle of real stone. We produce unique and wide variety of artificial stones for our clients. These are just a few examples of what we have to offer: Ledgestone, Brick, Fieldstone, Castle rock, Hearth stone, Split face, Trap rock and more!
Original Chloromatic System
Water Filter
Barakuda-automatic cleaning machine
24 timer
Underwater Lighting
Headquarters: Sanje Zivanovic 25
Warehouse: Vinogradska 35e
VAT: 100219682 17179144